What a pointless experience ...
I hadn't really wanted to watch the great McNutter's 'speech of a lifetime' this afternoon. If nothing else, it was certain it would make zero difference to the inevitable fate of this hugely nasty man.
But I did nonetheless, the second half anyway.
What struck me most, amid the apparently spontaneous bursts of applause and the predictable claims that Labour (for which, in his own over-heated imagination, read G. Brown) had been responsible for every 'progressive' advance of the 20th century, was the claim that he, the Mighty McGordo McMadMan, was going to restore democracy to Burma.
This, admittedly, was mentioned only in passing, thrown off amid his other vast claims to immortality (rescuing the NHS, ending child poverty, re-defining the global banking system, etc).
But it was made nonetheless.
That McLoonyTunesGordo is currently the world's No. 1 tosser, lunatic, cretin goes without saying,
That, despite the best efforts of vast gangs of PR stylists (and God knows how much tax-payers' money), his suits always look as though they have been pinched from Howard Hughes's madder, drooling cousin and his hair cut by the loopy aunt everyone thought had been locked up years ago, is similarly beside the point. No one expects him to be anything than what he self-evidently is: a crazed, embarrassing obsessive.
That he has buggered Britain's finances in ways even Neil Kinnock couldn't have managed is no less a given.
But that he should now pose as the liberator of Burma, the stern champion of its oppressed peoples, the implacable enemy of its cruel government (socialist, by the way), the mighty defender of its human freedoms, the beetle-browed champion of its human liberties, is a great deal more than just preposterous.
It isn't just a huge, vast, immense joke. It is a giant-size affront, a grotesque parody, a laughable, sickening insult, a preening piece of nonsense, a revolting inversion of the truth.
For this one demented claim alone he deserves to be tormented for eternity.
The Burmese have been oppressed in ways we in the West can scarcely comprehend. And now, purely because he sees it as one, tiny, aid to his political survival, McBroon poses as their saviour, knowing full well there is nothing he can do to help them.
This is miles beyond shamelessness.
It is properly vile.
And this from the man who proclaims 'fairness'.
Is there a fate worse than death? I'd like to think so.
It would be no more than Brown deserved.
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
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