Wednesday 24 October 2007

Climate change bollocks

The Daily Brute, scrupulous to the last, has so far avoided commenting on climate change.

There is a very good reason for this: I am no scientist. My understanding of even the most basic scientific processes is all but non-existent.

So why do I know that man-made global warming, aka climate change, is utter bollocks?

Because, just like socialism, it is clearly a religion.

The parallels are striking.

Both are anti big-business, especially the American variety.

Both are dedicated to relieving us of our money and spending it on our behalf.

Both consider it an urgent imperative to boss us about and to control how we live.

Both violently denigrate their opponents (capitalist pigs and climate change deniers).

Both deal with imagined paradises (contented workers and pastoral idylls).

Both routinely lie and distort data to prove their cases.

Both are accordingly very stupid.

Ergo, man-made global warming = bollocks.

Case proved, I'd say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like that, a religion, and like every religion its a heap of mumbo jumbo!