Wednesday 14 November 2007

On second thoughts ...

This is Admiral Lord West, the security minister, at 8.10 this morning explaining why he is unconvinced that it is proper to raise the limit for holding suspects from 28 days to 56 days before charging them.

I still need to be fully convinced that we absolutely need more than 28 days and I also need to be convinced what is the best way of doing that.

And this is Admiral Lord West two hours later explaining why he is convinced that it is proper to raise the limit for holding suspects from 28 days to 56 days before charging them.

I am quite clear that the greater complexities of terrorist plots will mean that we will need the power to detain certain individuals for more than 28 days. I am convinced that we need to legislate now so that we have the necessary powers when we need them.

The Prime Minister’s spokesman said: 'Lord West made his position quite clear. Lord West gave his views quite clearly in his second statement.'

Welcome to the Bottler's world of bullying.

1 comment:

Mark Wadsworth said...

This 28 and 56 and 90 day nonsense has several aims:

1. To wind up Muslims, it wil be easy for Isalmists to say that they are being victimised.

2. To make people worry about how bad the terror threat might be, "crikey, if we have to go to such extreme measures, it must be pretty dire" thinkgs Joe Public.

3. having stoked up Islamism via 1. and wound up general public to hysteria via 2., Nulab can then appear 'tough on terror', the Brave Protecting Party.

I am mulling over doing a post on this.