Tuesday 20 November 2007

Plastic bags and other bollocks

It can't be much fun being the environment editor of any newspaper these days, permanently bombarded by ever more shrill demands from environmentalist pressure groups and other self-styled activists. Even the stoutest would wilt in the face of these incessant assertions that only instant action now can save us all from armageddon.

So it is with Charles Clover, environment editor of the Daily Telegraph. He has a piece today headlined 'Too little, too late to reverse climate change'.

He writes:

The time has passed when it was possible for a politician in any British party overtly to take the side of the Flat Earthers, who still do not want to believe what the majority of climate scientists tell them.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the article has attracted a huge number of comments. And though naturally a number are from the 'we-are-all-doomed'school-of-environmentalist-bollocks', a very much larger number pour a hefty dose of robustly British scorn all over poor Clover's head.

Good. In fact, very good.

Best comment of the lot comes from AndrewG:

A lot of hot air would be saved by the application of just one plastic bag over the head of each member of HMG.

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