Sunday 4 November 2007

See what I mean?

More evidence of the relentless hostility of the lefty educational establishment to anything that hints of higher standards in British state schools.

It works, it's better, it gives children a chance ... so it must be stopped.

Why are they all so unendingly stupid?

I seriously wonder if there isn't a kind of stupid pill you are required to take the moment you get anywhere near policy formation in what we are all now learning to call the department for children, schools and families.

How else do you explain such consistent cretinousness?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I explain it like this:

On election to pariament, the new mp is required to undergo a surgical procedure. This involves removing the brain, and inserting a pea in its place.

On promotion to the Cabinet, the pea-brained mp is required to undergo a further surgical procedure. This involves removing the pea.

I can think of no other explanation for the way our country is governed.